Recruitement Archives - The Startup INC Startup Listing Website | Submit Startup Mon, 11 Sep 2023 18:31:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recruitement Archives - The Startup INC 32 32 151943596 The Recruitment Industry – A Rewarding Career Mon, 11 Sep 2023 18:31:02 +0000 Recruitment can be an exciting and fulfilling career choice, offering varied tasks and challenges while demanding talent assessment skills. Furthermore, recruiters may opt to specialize in one industry or market sector. Employment growth Recruitment can be an exciting, fast-paced career choice that offers numerous opportunities for professional growth and advancement, along with providing a work/home […]

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The Recruitment Industry - A Rewarding Career

Recruitment can be an exciting and fulfilling career choice, offering varied tasks and challenges while demanding talent assessment skills. Furthermore, recruiters may opt to specialize in one industry or market sector.

Employment growth

Recruitment can be an exciting, fast-paced career choice that offers numerous opportunities for professional growth and advancement, along with providing a work/home balance.

Staying abreast of industry trends may seem challenging at first, but with adequate training and the determination to always learn, staying on top can become much simpler over time.

Recruiters are in constant search of qualified candidates that fit with the company culture while providing outstanding client services. To meet these demands, recruiters have implemented innovative technologies and created new roles; all this contributes to continued industry expansion.

It is predicted that employment will increase to 169.1 million and continue to grow 0.3 percent annually over the 2022-32 decade. This is why demand for recruiters is projected to increase dramatically. Furthermore, with qualified candidates becoming scarcer and technology constantly changing and evolving rapidly it will be imperative for recruiters to stay abreast of trends and draw top talent into employment opportunities.

The global online recruitment market can be divided into several segments based on job type, application and geography.

Job creation

Recruiters have long been in high demand as companies seek to fill vacant positions with qualified talent.

Unfortunately, recruiters face numerous obstacles which impede job creation: these include economic conditions which limit qualified applicants in specific industries and a lack of technology for recruiting procedures. An effective recruitment strategy may help to address these hurdles.

Recruitment professionals are evolving from order-takers into talent strategists. Recruiters should bring their own opinions and offer insight when searching for candidates who meet each position’s qualifications, while aligning themselves with clients’ business goals and providing proactive assistance when necessary. You can visit to learn more. It is essential for recruiters to continue to adapt with the changing market place.

As the recruitment market expands, staffing firms must prioritize building strong relationships with their clients. To do so effectively, staffing firms must develop new recruiting and hiring tools that are more effective than traditional methods; collaborate with technology providers in automating processes to speed up hiring; and work together on improving speed of hiring processes.


Due to globalization in recruitment, businesses are increasingly turning to recruiters to identify candidates who possess the appropriate skills and experience for their roles. Recruitment firms also now offer additional services like strategic hiring and workforce consulting that enables companies to meet their recruiting goals more easily.

Recruitment firms enjoy a complex relationship with the economy, yet most recruiters remain optimistic about its future. A recent survey discovered that two-thirds of recruitment agencies see globalization as beneficial to their business-though such optimism should be balanced against regional regulations or macro trends that might impede its expansion.

One such factor is economic uncertainty caused by geopolitical events, which has made companies more cautious when hiring and scaling up. To mitigate its effects, recruiters must have an in-depth knowledge of their client’s business needs and culture.

Navigating cultural and legal differences across regions is another major obstacle, necessitating extensive research and an adaptable gameplan. Successful global recruitment agencies use multilingual recruitment databases, sourcing tools and documents as a foundation of consistency across workflows and processes regardless of location.

Collaborative hiring

Collaborative hiring entails adding multiple people to the recruitment process in order to produce a more complete assessment of candidates. The aim is to ensure an interviewee experiences positive, thorough interviews that reflect company culture-this approach helps reduce hiring bias and increase diversity within the workplace. You can click here to learn more about addressing hiring bias.

Formerly, recruiters were solely responsible for all aspects of the recruitment process; this can quickly become cumbersome. By shifting responsibility onto teams for sourcing, evaluating and CV screening, recruiters can focus more on overall process management; this allows recruiters to effectively fulfill their responsibilities while alleviating overwork issues.

This approach to recruitment also offers candidates benefits. They feel more engaged and valued, which leads to higher productivity and retention rates. Furthermore, visibility into the recruitment process increases and feedback provided can assist candidates in honing their skills.

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Why Women Struggle to Get a Job: An Insight into the Real Reasons Fri, 02 Jun 2023 12:18:16 +0000 Despite the progress in women’s rights and the feminist movement, it is still sad that women often face challenges when getting a job. According to statistics, women continue to earn less than men, and the percentage of women in leadership positions is far less than their male counterparts. This raises the question of why women […]

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reasons women struggle to get job
  • Women still face challenges securing a job due to gender bias, lack of flexibility, and lack of role models.
  • Gender stereotypes limit women’s opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Unequal pay is an issue that affects women’s ability to access good jobs and progress in their careers.
  • Women should create an impressive resume and network with professionals to increase their chances of getting a job.
  • Lastly, staying resilient and confident can help women succeed in the job market.

Despite the progress in women’s rights and the feminist movement, it is still sad that women often face challenges when getting a job. According to statistics, women continue to earn less than men, and the percentage of women in leadership positions is far less than their male counterparts. This raises the question of why women are still struggling to secure jobs in today’s society.

Gender Gap in Employment

It’s estimated that more than 70% of men in the U.S. are employed, while less than half of women are used. This is mainly due to the persistent gender gap in employment, making women less likely to receive job offers than men, even with comparable skills and experience. Here are some reasons why that happen:

Gender Bias

One of the primary reasons why women struggle to get a job is gender bias. Studies show that women are often subject to conscious or subconscious discrimination during hiring, promotion, and salary negotiations. Women face prejudice based on gender, such as the assumption that they may not be as committed to their job due to their caregiving responsibilities. Employers also tend to perceive women as emotional and sensitive, which can affect their job offers or promotions.

Lack of Flexibility

Women often face a challenge in balancing work and caregiving responsibilities, which creates the need for more flexibility in their jobs. However, several companies fail to offer flexibility regarding working hours, remote work options, or part-time employment, significantly affecting women’s ability to secure a job. Most caregiving responsibilities disproportionately affect women, making it harder for them to find work that allows them to care for their families while maintaining a career.

Lack of Role Models

The lack of visible role models is another issue that hinders women’s progress in securing jobs. Women need to see other women in various leadership positions in their organizations as it creates an avenue for inspiration and mentorship. However, there are fewer women in leadership positions in most organizations, making it challenging for women at the entry level to understand the possibilities of what they can achieve. Additionally, a lack of female representation leads to a lack of policies that support women’s career growth, further creating obstacles for them in the job market.


Another reason why women struggle to get jobs is the gender stereotypes that persist in society. Women are often underrepresented in specific job roles or industries, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

There is a stereotype that women are incapable of handling technical or scientific roles, which hinders women with the skills and qualifications required for these positions. Additionally, there are gender biases in job ads that are often gender-biased and discourage women from applying to them.

Unequal Pay

Unequal pay is still a prevalent issue that affects women’s ability to secure their dream jobs. According to research, women earn significantly less than men in virtually every occupation, industry, and level of education. This issue affects not only fresh graduates seeking employment but also women in leadership positions. Additionally, the wage gap affects women of color and women with disabilities, leading to even more significant challenges.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting Hired

These biases shouldn’t affect your chances of getting hired. Here are some ways you can be a competitive choice, regardless of your gender:

Work on Your Resume

The first thing employers look at when evaluating potential candidates is the resume. Make sure to highlight your experience, skills, and achievements concisely and clearly. Focus on accomplishments that show you’re an excellent fit for the job, and don’t be afraid to mention any awards or recognitions you’ve received.

If you don’t know how to write a good resume, consider using professional services. There are affordable resume writing services packages you can get on the internet. These services work by offering personalized resume advice and creating a well-crafted, tailored resume to make you stand out from the competition.


Networking is a great way to find job opportunities and meet potential mentors. Get involved in professional groups in your field and attend conferences or seminars related to the industry. This will help expand your network and get noticed by potential employers. Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with people who can help you find jobs.

Be Confident

Being confident is essential when looking for a job. Put yourself forward for positions you’re qualified for, even if it’s outside your comfort zone or area of expertise. Remember that you have something unique and valuable that other candidates might not have, so showcase that.

Finally, although the job search can sometimes be overwhelming, don’t give up. Use these tips to increase your chances of securing a job, and remember to stay resilient in the face of any difficulties or challenges you might encounter. With hard work and dedication, you’ll eventually land your dream job!

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Investing in the Future of Your Employees – Tips for Employers Fri, 26 May 2023 07:35:47 +0000 Investing in your employees is an excellent way to keep them motivated, inspired, and engaged. Employee investment also results in higher productivity, reduced turnover, and improved workplace culture. In this blog, you will learn essential tips for investing in the future of your employees and why it’s essential to build a workforce that feels valued […]

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tips for employer
  • Offer personal and professional development opportunities to help employees learn new skills, improve productivity, and advance their careers.
  • Recognize and reward employees with incentives such as monetary rewards, time off, or an employee of the month program.
  • Establish a flexible work culture to enable work-life balance, increase morale and job satisfaction, and reduce stress.
  • Encourage open communication between employees and the management team to ensure ideas and concerns are heard.
  • Provide benefits and perks such as health insurance, competitive salary or wages, flexible hours, and group life insurance.

Investing in your employees is an excellent way to keep them motivated, inspired, and engaged. Employee investment also results in higher productivity, reduced turnover, and improved workplace culture. In this blog, you will learn essential tips for investing in the future of your employees and why it’s essential to build a workforce that feels valued and appreciated.

Offer Personal and Professional Development Opportunities

One of the best ways to invest in your employees’ future is to offer them personal and professional development opportunities. These opportunities can include courses, training, and seminars that help them learn new skills, improve their productivity, and advance their careers.

You can also provide coaching, mentorship, and on-the-job training to help your employees learn from their peers and supervisors. This type of investment will increase the value of your employees to your company and help them grow as professionals.

Recognize and Reward Your Employees

Show your employees that you appreciate their hard work and dedication by recognizing and rewarding them. Rewarding your employees can come in different forms, such as monetary incentives, time off, or something as simple as an employee of the month program. It’s an excellent way to increase employee engagement, morale, and job satisfaction.

Establish a Flexible Work Culture

Creating a flexible work culture is vital in today’s modern workforce. Being flexible with your employees’ work hours and remote working options can help them achieve work-life balance, making them more productive, and focused at work. Flexible work culture shows that you care about your employees’ well-being, which makes them more loyal to the company and improves retention.

Encourage Open Communication and Feedback

Communication and feedback are essential for a healthy work environment. Encourage open communication between your employees and the management team. Adopting an open-door policy will help your employees work more effectively and feel comfortable discussing ideas and concerns. Feedback is also essential because you can learn from your employees and adapt your management style to improve their work experience.

Provide Benefits and Perks

Lastly, providing your employees with benefits and perks shows that you value their hard work and dedication. There are plenty of benefits and perks you can offer, but here are the ones that will surely make your employees smile:

Health insurance

Health insurance is essential in keeping your employees healthy. Offering health benefits is a great way to show them that you care about their well-being and are willing to invest in it. Just make sure to research different plans available and pick one that fits your budget.

Competitive salary or wages

Offering a competitive salary or wage is another way to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work and dedication. Make sure to review the market rate for their positions regularly to ensure you are offering them a competitive rate.

Flexible hours

Flexible hours are essential for creating a healthy work-life balance. Offering flexible hours will help your employees manage their workload better and reduce stress. Just make sure to keep track of their hours and ensure they are meeting the necessary requirements.

Group life insurance

Group life insurance is beneficial for both the employees and the company. Even just a standard group life insurance policy can contain life insurance coverage, health care, credit protection, coverage for accidents, and retirement fund management. By providing group life insurance, you are investing in your employee’s future and protecting them in case something unexpected happens.

By providing enticing perks and benefits such as the ones mentioned above, you are investing in the future of your employees and showing them that their hard work is appreciated.

Investing in your employees’ future is essential for any business. By offering personal and professional development opportunities, recognizing and rewarding them, establishing a flexible work culture, encouraging open communication and feedback, and providing benefits and perks – you can ensure your employees are happy, motivated, productive, and engaged at work. Doing this will not only help create an enjoyable work environment but will also benefit the company by reducing turnover rates while increasing productivity levels.

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5 Benefits to Offer to Overseas Employees Tue, 13 Sep 2022 17:58:40 +0000 In today’s business climate, more and more companies are expanding their operations overseas. This can present several challenges, not the least of which is how to keep your employees engaged and motivated when they’re half a world away from their homes and families. You want to make sure that your overseas employees feel like they’re […]

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benefits for Overseas Employees

In today’s business climate, more and more companies are expanding their operations overseas. This can present several challenges, not the least of which is how to keep your employees engaged and motivated when they’re half a world away from their homes and families. You want to make sure that your overseas employees feel like they’re part of the team, and that starts with offering them the same benefits as your domestic employees.

Here are five benefits you can offer your overseas employees to help them feel connected to the company and motivated to do their best work.

1. Communication allowance

Staying in touch with family and friends back home can be costly, so offer a monthly communication allowance to help offset the expense. This benefit will also encourage employees to stay in touch with company news and developments. You might even want to set up a company messaging app or social media group so employees can stay connected with each other.

When offering this benefit, be sure to consider time differences and make allowance for the fact that some employees may not be able to stay up late to call home. You might want to consider offering a stipend for phone calls rather than a set allowance. This way, employees can use the money when it’s most convenient.

2. Local Insurance

Because they’re not citizens, your overseas employees may not be eligible for local insurance plans. Make sure you offer them insurance coverage that meets their needs and gives them peace of mind. Consider their health and well-being and any insurance needs specific to their country of residence.

For example, overseas Filipino workers may be interested in an insurance plan that includes maternity coverage, which is typically covered by local insurance plans in the Philippines. You can also offer insurance plans that cover dependents in case your employees have family members living with them. With the right insurance plan, your employees can feel secure knowing that their loved ones are taken care of.

3. Remote working allowances

Working from home can be challenging, especially when you’re in a different time zone. Offer a monthly allowance to help employees cover the costs of setting up a comfortable and productive home office. Employees can also use this benefit to cover the costs of internet and phone service.

Be sure to set clear guidelines for how they can use this benefit. You don’t want employees using it for personal expenses or items unrelated to work. Some companies also offer a stipend for home office expenses instead of a set allowance. This way, employees can use the money when needed and don’t have to keep track of receipts. But be sure to set a limit, so employees don’t abuse the system.

4. Educational opportunities

Help employees further their careers by offering educational opportunities, such as reimbursement for tuition and books or membership in professional organizations. This benefit will improve employee morale and help retain talent within the company. Many organizations also offer mentorship programs to help employees transition into new roles.

When offering this benefit, be sure to consider the time commitment and whether the employee will be able to complete their studies while still meeting their job requirements. Going to school part-time or taking an online course may be a better option for some employees. Help them find a program that meets their needs and fits their schedule. If possible, offer flexible scheduling to help employees balance their studies with their work.

5. Travel allowances

Business travel can be expensive, so offering travel allowances helps employees offset the cost of airfare, lodging, and other travel-related expenses. This benefit will also make it easier for employees to attend company-sponsored events, such as conferences and training seminars. You will need to set clear guidelines for how this benefit can be used and what expenses are covered.

If you have employees who travel frequently, you might want to consider offering a frequent flyer program or discounts on rental cars and hotels. Employees can also use this benefit to cover the cost of passport and visa fees. Some companies also offer a stipend for travel expenses, which gives employees more flexibility in how they spend their money.

Offering these benefits to your overseas employees will show that you value their contributions and appreciate the challenges they face while working away from home. By investing in your employees’ well-being, you’ll create a more engaged and productive workforce that can better meet the demands of today’s global marketplace. Always consult with a benefits expert to ensure you’re offering the best possible coverage for your employees.

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3 Recruitment Strategies for Start-up Law Firm in Canada Thu, 11 Aug 2022 18:50:25 +0000 Are you considering recruiting legal professionals in your strat-up law firm in Canada? We understand that your employees will represent your firm to your clients. It is, therefore, necessary to hire the best talent in the country to provide the best legal services in town.  Lawyers in Canada are now looking to start their law […]

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Recruitment Strategies for Start-up Law Firm in Canada

Are you considering recruiting legal professionals in your strat-up law firm in Canada? We understand that your employees will represent your firm to your clients. It is, therefore, necessary to hire the best talent in the country to provide the best legal services in town. 

Lawyers in Canada are now looking to start their law business in Irvine because it offers a business-friendly environment. You may choose the right place for your business; however, selecting the right candidate requires you to build robust strategies. We mention some recruitment strategies in this article to help you get the correct employee for your firm on board. 

A sound job description is critical.

No candidate would come in for interviews if they do not have clear information about the job role. Your job description must contain all the responsibilities the candidate will be handling, place of work, required qualifications, and other specifications. For instance, lawyers choosing Irvine as their home place will look for Irvine-specific jobs. So, if you have a job vacancy in the same position, you can get hold of the right candidate. However, if you do not mention the palace, the lawyer may or may not contact you; it will be a waste of effort and time for both parties. 

Increase your Candidate pool 

One of the best recruitment strategies includes increasing your candidate pool. You must use different mediums to source the right applicant for your firm. You may waste time and money if you are unaware of the proper techniques. To get through the appropriate screening process, you can use the following ways: 

  • Use Linkedin: Post your requirements on the professional platform to build strong connections. It is also a great way to market your firm. Applicants are looking for jobs on this platform. So, you may get the right person here. Besides, you can increase the data by getting references from your connections. It is one of the best methods to increase the applicant pool. 
  • Visit universities: Colleges and universities are a pool of applicants. Each law firm sets up a team of recruiters to visit the leading colleges and find the right applicant for their firm. 
  • Ask for references: You can contact your previous interns for contacts to fill the vacancies. Providing internship programs is a great way to analyze the applicant before investing your resources in them. 
  • Use social media to your benefit: Apart from LinkedIn, other social media channels such as youtube, Instagram, and Facebook can be a bountiful resource for you. Besides, tapping on less formal platforms helps target more people.

Offer a competitive package.

There is no end to the employee and employer pool. The aspirants speak with different firms and compare their working culture and the remuneration package. The training and experience story is too old for the candidates to buy now. You have to offer them the right price for their hard work and the role. Look for the information on the salary packages of your competitors and if not more, try to match the bar. 

Final words

Looking at the job requirements in the country, employers may feel that it is easier to fill the vacancy. However, following the proper recruitment process will help you hire the best applicant for your company. We hope these tips help you in commencing your firm with the right set of people. 

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The Ultimate HR Checklist Startups Should Follow Wed, 13 Jul 2022 17:06:02 +0000 Establishing a startup is a daunting challenge as you have endless tasks and to-do lists in the early phases. It is easy to go slack with your HR strategy in the rush of everyday business. Moreover, you may overlook it due to the shortage of resources in the initial stages. But your HR department needs […]

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HR Checklist Startup

Establishing a startup is a daunting challenge as you have endless tasks and to-do lists in the early phases. It is easy to go slack with your HR strategy in the rush of everyday business. Moreover, you may overlook it due to the shortage of resources in the initial stages.

But your HR department needs a robust foundation because it gets you the best employees to run your startup and push its growth. Moreover, it keeps your company organized as it scales. You may start with a small HR team, but ensure it follows an optimal process to keep your business on track. Here are the ultimate HR checklists startups should follow to get a great start. 

Create a viable organizational design

A new venture often lacks an organizational structure, leading to the risk of hiring people it does not need and missing out on essential roles. Your HR department should start by outlining a viable organizational design for your startup. List out the teams you require, the number of employees in each of them, and employee roles to run the business. Also, draw a picture for the future and use it as a roadmap for team expansion. 

Establish recruiting and onboarding procedures

Even small businesses must have a well-defined recruiting process as it entails correct hiring decisions. Define a rulebook to decide the channels to post your job ads, determine your target candidates, and pick the right fits for your company. You must have the essential paperwork ready for new hires to expedite the hiring process. Building an effective onboarding process for recruits is equally crucial as it sets them up for success from day one.

Outline regulations for compliance

Startup owners often have no HR experience, and handling the function without experts can land them in a fix due to non-compliance. You must comply with government regulations to provide a safe, healthy, and equitable work environment. Failing to follow them can lead to penalties, which can be painful for your startup. Check factors like occupational health and safety and eeo job categories to stay on the right side of federal regulations. It provides legal protection for your company and enables you to focus on growth. 

Determine optimal compensation and benefits

Another essential element of a startup’s HR checklist is compensation and benefits. It can be tricky for a new business running on tight budgets. You must ensure fair and competitive packages to secure quality talent and drive long-term retention. At the same time, you should consider your capacity to bear the cost for the long haul.

The HR department is responsible for creating an optimal pay structure that brings the best of both worlds. They must also determine benefits and incentives and implement a compliant payroll management system for the business.

Maintain employee relationships

Employees are the growth catalysts for a business. Your HR checklist should also prioritize employee relationships to get the best from your team and make people stay for the long haul. Better relationships translate into a happy workforce that contributes to and drives growth for a startup. Building them includes steps like promoting engagement, developing a training and development program, incentivizing good work, and creating plans to address issues.

Following this simple checklist can strengthen the core of your startup with an empowered HR team. They can get the best resources for your business and ensure they stay for good. 

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10 Tips For Hiring As A Startup Wed, 15 May 2019 19:22:44 +0000 Hiring new employees for your startup is a huge step, not only will you now be responsible for someone else’s career, but it also shows that your company is going in the right direction. Things are going to start to move fast so we’ve put together ten top tips for hiring as a startup to […]

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hiring as a startup

Hiring new employees for your startup is a huge step, not only will you now be responsible for someone else’s career, but it also shows that your company is going in the right direction. Things are going to start to move fast so we’ve put together ten top tips for hiring as a startup to help you take the next step in your business journey.

“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” – Steve Jobs

Here are 10 tips if you are hiring as a startup

Hiring for startup

How to hire the best person for your Startup?

1. Hire when you know you need someone

hiring for startup

The sooner you know you need to hire someone and can afford them the better. Adding an extra person will bring in an extra creative mind who can help share the legwork. Your to-do list will shrink so you can focus on finding the best resources for your business. Don’t overwork yourself to cut costs, if you need an extra staff member, take the steps to hire them.

2. Hire for potential, not just what’s on their CV

abilities of candidate

A good trait to develop is the ability to see the potential in a candidate, not just their evidence of past successes. Look for someone who has a strong passion or interest for a cause that is similar to yours and evidence that the person is really good at what he or she has done before, even if this is not directly relatable.

3. Have candidates demonstrate their skill

Many of your candidates will know how to answer interview questions in a way that will tick all the boxes. Research shows the best way to vet someone is to have them complete a task for you and see how they fare. An example would be if you are hiring a content writer, you would then ask them to write an article aimed at your target audience, you will give them a word count and also ask for a social media draft for each of the platforms you use.

This way you will be able to compare your candidates based directly on their skills.

4. Diversify your team

There’s no point in having a workforce who think exactly like you, this will only stunt your growth. Instead, consider creating a team from different backgrounds who will each bring their own perspective to their roles. Your aim is to get a variety of ideas so that you can choose the best direction for your startup to go in.

5. Cast a wide net

You needn’t limit your search to the boundaries of your region or city. If you’re limiting your search to a 50 mile radius of your startup you should think twice. There may be a talented potential candidate who is willing to relocate for a job in your company and you may benefit from their talented approach to your industry.

When you expand your search you may even find a candidate who is looking to relocate to your region and who is perfectly qualified and keen to fulfill their role. By working hard to recruit and retain the right employees you’ll build a team that continues your business in the right direction, so allow yourself plenty of time to put that team together.

6. Invite them to be part of the team not just an employee

You can either consider your new staff member an employee or a team member. The latter is the reason most young, aspiring creatives join startups in the first place. Startups are a breath of fresh air compared to their corporate rivals. With team lunches, team building exercises, dog-friendly offices, all of these things can help your new employees feel as if they were always part of the furniture.

7. Have your contracts ready to go

As a startup prioritising HR documents can come later, however not having a contract in place doesn’t protect you. The unfortunate fact is that not all employees will work out and the last thing you need is any form of legal headache. Take your time to things the right way and you’ll make sure your employee is in it for the long-term.

8. Offer benefits

To make sure that the best talent out there wants to work with you should offer real benefits to your workforce. Budget-friendly options like doughnuts on a Wednesday, free beer on a Friday, a cycle to work scheme or discount on office technology or gym membership are all ways that you can help attract and keep your employees.

9. Consider a referral program

Before casting the net out, why not offer an in-house referral program with your current employees? There could be rewards and initiatives for employees who help refer someone who fits into your company’s vision, if they do, their talented friends might also!

10. Keep it up

hiring process in startup

You’re a new startup who is looking to hire someone, that is a great step and shows your business is going places and needs grow. Once you’ve attracted and hired a new employee to keep up the good work. Put the expectations of your team first and keep them happy and motivated so that your startup can go from strength to strength.

Written by Stuart Cooke, Digital Marketing Manager at NI Parcels and Irish Parcels, courier comparison services helping startups cut their delivery costs.

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