
About Clanica
Clanica is a robust email delivery service. Sending large amounts of emails can be time-consuming and worrisome. Achieve optimal performance with our easy-to-use application programming interface (API) and simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) service. Get more of your emails delivered.
What problems does Clanica solve?
Sending large amounts of emails can be time-consuming and worrisome! With Clanica, you can automate all your emailing needs. Achieve optimal performance with Clanica’s easy-to-use REST API and SMTP service. Get more of your emails delivered.
For whom your Product/ Service is for?
Clanica offers tailored services and pricing for all sorts of situations. Whether you’re an individual with a small business and a small client base, medium to large business with a large client base, Clanica is made from the ground up to suit all your needs.
What makes you stand out from the crowd?
Attractive and affordable prices. No lock-in contracts allow you to exit at any time. One plan allows you to host multiple domains. An ever-growing foundation of support services from media to documentation.
What are your future plans?
Clanica hopes to integrate its service with 100s of different applications and platforms which will enable it to be more accessible and easier to use. Clanica wants to ensure customer satisfaction and plans to grow its support services by implementing visually appealing support videos, greater documentation, more FAQs, and look to increase our overall support team.
About The Founders
The founders of Clanica Areeb and Patrick are two web developers one with a full-stack background and the other with a front-end background. We are both young entrepreneurs who have IT degrees who are seeking to implement and provide a SaaS to a community of users with the intent to help their systems.
As both of us have grown up with and used hundreds of different technologies, platforms, and systems the core concept of efficiency and ease of use was a major factor in us developing a SaaS. We are both driven by our innovative passion and enthusiasm for web development and with that, we believed we could provide a form of SaaS to users at affordable prices with no hassle and that concept of efficiency and ease of use in mind.
Both Areeb and Patrick growing up both had ambitions of implementing their own business of sorts that directly helps people make their life much easier. Both met through university at the start of their degrees and since have been great friends. Pushing each other to be better individuals every day in utilizing the time we have to make the most of what we have. Whether that was directed towards their business efforts or in their everyday lives. Constantly innovating, pushing, and striving for the highest in all facets of life, Areeb and Patrick look to take Clanica to the next level and help as many people as it can, allowing its customers to efficiently and easily engage with their own users.
Founding Date: 2021-12-27
Industry: Software Services
Number Of Employees: 1-10