Misü – Mood Tracker


About Misü – Mood Tracker

Just as food and fitness, even mood has a huge impact on your overall health. Misü is an automatic mood tracker that uses AI to analyze micro facial expressions (subtle eye squinting or frowning) to give you a better grip on your emotional highs and lows during a day.

It tracks your happiness and anxiety index to give an insight into the reasons behind your mood shifts so that you can manage your work, relationships, and friendships more efficiently. Even though Misü tracks your photos to analyze your mood, it never shares or even stores them anywhere. It takes your privacy utmost seriously.

What problems does Misü – Mood Tracker solve?

Keeping track of mood triggers with a great degree of precision is always tough. Without correct data, even psychiatrists are at a loss to determine reasons for mood swings in people dealing with anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder.

This is where Misü steps in by keeping track of your happiness and anxiety using AI. It uses a scientific approach to reduce errors in reading mood swings by a significant margin. It makes you mood-aware, thereby improving your professional and personal life.

For whom your Product/ Service is for?

  • Mental health
  • Quantified self
  • Wellness
  • Well-being
  • MacOS

About The Founders

Misü came from its founder Dan Seider’s struggle when he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and grappled with anxiety, depression, and mania.

In Dan’s own words, “Psych ward visits suck.” His psychiatrist and therapists advised him to track his mood. But, he realized that there was a gaping hole in the market, for even though there were fitness and other trackers, there was nothing to track mood.

That’s why he built Misü. After tracking his mood for three-plus years, Dan’s emotional health improved, and now he’d like to help others improve their emotional well-being with the help of Misü.

Founding Date: 2020-03-31

Industry: B2C

Number Of Employees: 1-10

Headquarters: San Francisco, CA, USA

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/misu-app/

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