Typing AI Biometrics

About Typing AI Biometrics
Typing AI Biometrics is a password killer app that provides enterprise-grade security. TypingAI can be easily integrated into web, desktop, and mobile apps using any programming language. We’re targeting big companies such as banks and top 500 businesses because the API allows us to offer enterprise-grade security.
Hackers make millions of dollars from data breaches, hacked accounts, and phishing attempts. Hackers are smart and they found ways to bypass the existing security solutions. Typing biometrics is unique to each person and this is why hackers won’t be able to access the user’s accounts, even if they know the account access credentials. We’re targeting big companies such as banks and top 500 businesses because the API allows us to offer enterprise-grade security.
What problems does Typing AI Biometrics solve?
The biggest problem in the banking and fintech world right now is the security of the sensitive data. A data breach can lead to bankruptcy. Due to the Covid 19 pandemics, schools and colleges were forced to take exams online, some of our customers are educational organizations such as state and private schools, colleges, online courses and webinar platforms.
For whom your Product/ Service is for?
Typing AI is a password killer app. Organizations lose millions of dollars every year due to “inherently unsafe” password-based authentication. Not only do weak passwords account for more than 80% of all data breaches, but the average help desk labor cost to reset a single password stands at more than $70\\\.Our Product can serve an audience who is looking to shop online.
What makes you stand out from the crowd?
By eliminating passwords, businesses can immediately reduce churn and cart abandonment and provide superior security for personal data. We have transformed authentication, making it faster, simpler and better! That’s why we are helping more and more developers and businesses to secure web, mobile and desktop applications using typing biometrics authentication based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Any Achievements or Milestones accomplished?
- We have over 1000 nonpaying monthly active users. Our biggest customer has over 1 000 000 registered users and is based in the United States of America. This company is an online teaching platform that offers courses for driving, flying snorkeling and scuba diving. They integrated our product in their web and mobile platforms. Typing AI has served over 300 000 unique users up until now from Europe, USA and Asia. We provide a dedicated Service Level Agreement to our enterprise customers by offering a 100% uptime and a response time of less than 100 milliseconds.
What are your future plans?
- Organizations lose millions of dollars every year due to “inherently unsafe” password-based authentication, according to the startup; not only do weak passwords account for more than 80% of all data breaches, but the average help desk labor cost to reset a single password stands at more than $70.
About The Founders
Typing AI was created as a side project by Rares Pascut, the CEO and
lead developer of the company. After reaching a detection accuracy score
of over 99.9% the company was incorporated in Croatia. With over 10
years of experience in the full-stack development field, Rares Pascut,
is both the CEO and CTO of Typing AI Biometrics.
Typing AI Biometrics j.d.o.o. is a company registered in the Republic of
Croatia. The company is accelerated by Fil Rouge Capital, the leading
Croatian VC. Typing AI received an investment of 50 000 euro in 2021
after joining the Fil Rouge Capital accelerator. Typing AI Biometrics
also graduated from the Techcelerator’s Advancing AI 2 accelerator in 2021,
ran by Gapminder VC.
We are a remote team of 5 members split across Romania, Croatia,
Bangladesh and India. We are currently looking to grow our team with a
Junior Full stack Developer, a Sales representative and a Marketing &
Conversion Rate Optimization specialist.
Founding Date: 2021-03-01
Industry: SaaS
Number Of Employees: 1-10
Headquarters: Zagreb
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/typingai