Why Women Struggle to Get a Job: An Insight into the Real Reasons

- Women still face challenges securing a job due to gender bias, lack of flexibility, and lack of role models.
- Gender stereotypes limit women’s opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
- Unequal pay is an issue that affects women’s ability to access good jobs and progress in their careers.
- Women should create an impressive resume and network with professionals to increase their chances of getting a job.
- Lastly, staying resilient and confident can help women succeed in the job market.
Despite the progress in women’s rights and the feminist movement, it is still sad that women often face challenges when getting a job. According to statistics, women continue to earn less than men, and the percentage of women in leadership positions is far less than their male counterparts. This raises the question of why women are still struggling to secure jobs in today’s society.
Gender Gap in Employment
It’s estimated that more than 70% of men in the U.S. are employed, while less than half of women are used. This is mainly due to the persistent gender gap in employment, making women less likely to receive job offers than men, even with comparable skills and experience. Here are some reasons why that happen:

Gender Bias
One of the primary reasons why women struggle to get a job is gender bias. Studies show that women are often subject to conscious or subconscious discrimination during hiring, promotion, and salary negotiations. Women face prejudice based on gender, such as the assumption that they may not be as committed to their job due to their caregiving responsibilities. Employers also tend to perceive women as emotional and sensitive, which can affect their job offers or promotions.
Lack of Flexibility
Women often face a challenge in balancing work and caregiving responsibilities, which creates the need for more flexibility in their jobs. However, several companies fail to offer flexibility regarding working hours, remote work options, or part-time employment, significantly affecting women’s ability to secure a job. Most caregiving responsibilities disproportionately affect women, making it harder for them to find work that allows them to care for their families while maintaining a career.
Lack of Role Models
The lack of visible role models is another issue that hinders women’s progress in securing jobs. Women need to see other women in various leadership positions in their organizations as it creates an avenue for inspiration and mentorship. However, there are fewer women in leadership positions in most organizations, making it challenging for women at the entry level to understand the possibilities of what they can achieve. Additionally, a lack of female representation leads to a lack of policies that support women’s career growth, further creating obstacles for them in the job market.
Another reason why women struggle to get jobs is the gender stereotypes that persist in society. Women are often underrepresented in specific job roles or industries, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
There is a stereotype that women are incapable of handling technical or scientific roles, which hinders women with the skills and qualifications required for these positions. Additionally, there are gender biases in job ads that are often gender-biased and discourage women from applying to them.
Unequal Pay
Unequal pay is still a prevalent issue that affects women’s ability to secure their dream jobs. According to research, women earn significantly less than men in virtually every occupation, industry, and level of education. This issue affects not only fresh graduates seeking employment but also women in leadership positions. Additionally, the wage gap affects women of color and women with disabilities, leading to even more significant challenges.
How to Improve Your Chances of Getting Hired
These biases shouldn’t affect your chances of getting hired. Here are some ways you can be a competitive choice, regardless of your gender:

Work on Your Resume
The first thing employers look at when evaluating potential candidates is the resume. Make sure to highlight your experience, skills, and achievements concisely and clearly. Focus on accomplishments that show you’re an excellent fit for the job, and don’t be afraid to mention any awards or recognitions you’ve received.
If you don’t know how to write a good resume, consider using professional services. There are affordable resume writing services packages you can get on the internet. These services work by offering personalized resume advice and creating a well-crafted, tailored resume to make you stand out from the competition.
Networking is a great way to find job opportunities and meet potential mentors. Get involved in professional groups in your field and attend conferences or seminars related to the industry. This will help expand your network and get noticed by potential employers. Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with people who can help you find jobs.
Be Confident
Being confident is essential when looking for a job. Put yourself forward for positions you’re qualified for, even if it’s outside your comfort zone or area of expertise. Remember that you have something unique and valuable that other candidates might not have, so showcase that.
Finally, although the job search can sometimes be overwhelming, don’t give up. Use these tips to increase your chances of securing a job, and remember to stay resilient in the face of any difficulties or challenges you might encounter. With hard work and dedication, you’ll eventually land your dream job!